Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Mary Magdalene
If she was alive today, she might be a resident of a mental institution. The reason I think that is because the Gospels record she was inhabited by seven demons. Mary Magdalene could also have been deeply depressed and suicidal as well.
Mary had no hope for a bright future and was probably deeply ashamed of the way she was living. Trapped in a sinister lifestyle, she couldn't rise above what she had become -- a deeply troubled woman rejected by most people. But then everything changed instantly!
She met Jesus one day and He did not reject her like almost everyone else did! In fact, He welcomed her and gave her the best gift of all -- the gift of a brand-new life. She found -- to her great joy -- that she had peace of mind instead of tormenting thoughts! The degrading passions that drove her unmercifully were replaced by a deep self-sacrificing love for other people and especially for Jesus! What a transformation! When Jesus gave her a brand-new life, He probably gave her a number of true friends as well -- including some other loving women.
They along with Mary Magdalene ministered to Jesus and His friends. Soon personal tragedy overwhelmed her! Jesus -- her Savior and Leader -- was arrested, convicted and nailed to a Roman cross beside two criminals.
Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, two wealthy and highly respected Jewish leaders, exposed themselves to public ridicule by giving Jesus an honorable burial in Joseph's own new tomb. Crucified criminals were often thrown into a common burial pit. These two men tenderly took Jesus down from the cross and carried His body to the cave tomb. They wrapped His corpse around and around with yards of expensive linen material saturated with ointments and sweet-smelling spices. The ointment acted as a kind of glue which transformed the long cloth into a cocoon. Then they laid Him in the tomb and rolled a large stone over the entrance.
Mary Magdalene and her friends went home and rested when the sun went down that day in order to kept the Sabbath that began at sundown, so they didn't have time to anoint Jesus's body themselves. However, early the next morning while the sun was just rising, Mary Magdalene and her friends brought sweet spices to add their spices to Jesus's burial wrappings. While they journeyed to the cave, they questioned among themselves who would roll the stone away since it was too heavy for them. Imagine how astonished they were when they arrived at the cave to discover the huge stone had already been moved!
Deeply disturbed, she discovered the body of her Lord was gone. Mary Magdalene quickly found Simon Peter, who had betrayed the Lord, and John. She broken-heartedly announced, that they have taken away the Lord out of the sepulcher and they don't know where they have taken Him!
Immediately Peter and John rushed to the tomb to see what had happened while Mary followed at a distance. Since John was younger, he outran Peter and arrived at the tomb first. John didn't go into the tomb, but Peter did. A wondrous sight awaited their gaze! The linen wrappings wound so tightly around Jesus's body were still on the shelf where His body had been, but the long burial cloth had collapsed without being unwound.
Most amazing of all, Jesus's body was no longer in the mummy cocoon. No one had unwrapped the glued together layers of cloth! The resurrected body of Jesus had simply passed right on through the burial shroud! When John observed the collapsed mummy cocoon, he believed Jesus had risen from the dead from the evidence right before his eyes!
Peter and John left the cave, but Mary Magdalene stayed behind. She was deeply grieved since she still thought Jesus's body had been taken away. However, her grief soon turn to ecstatic joy when not long afterwards she was visited by Jesus Himself!
This is how she met the risen Lord face to face. First -- as she turned to go home, she noticed a man standing in the garden near the empty tomb who she assumed was the gardener. Put yourself in her place and imagine the glorious thrill that came to her heart when Jesus gently called her by her own name -- "Mary!" It was then that she recognized her risen Lord!
Jesus gave to Mary the awesome commission of telling His disciples this earth-shaking news -- He is alive forever! And Mary Magdalene became an evangelist to the apostles.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Jessica Again
she can swim... yes!her play pan... yes I know it's rather big. Mummy likes big size.... u know why she got me... hahahah
Monday, November 20, 2006
Learning From David
We might think that David was simply lucky. Maybe he just happened to be at the right place at the right time. But are there things we can we learn from David that will help us do what he did? Can we learn from David's victory over Goliath how we can slay our own giants and become overnight successes?
Build Your Confidence - Face The Daily Challenges
When the king told David that he would not be able to defeat Goliath, David answered, "Your servant has been keeping his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it. Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God. The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." (1 Samuel 17:34-37)
David's confidence that he could defeat Goliath came from having overcome similar challenges while simply working for his father. Because David had learned to trust God in his day-to-day life, just doing his job, he had developed the faith to overcome any challange. Becoming an overnight success requires that we have confidence when our big opportunity comes. That confidence is built over time as we learn to trust God and overcome our daily challenges.
Face The Criticism
In 1 Samuel 17:28 it says, "When Eliab, David's oldest brother, heard him speaking with the men, he burned with anger at him and asked, 'Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the desert? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle.'
When we realize that Eliab had just spent forty days being afraid of Goliath, it's easy to understand why he got so upset when his little brother said, "I'll kill him." Eliab was embarrassed that David had more faith and courage than he did, and it was Eliab's doubt and fear that made him so angry with David. In order for us to become overnight successes, we will have to learn how to face criticism. And even if the people closest to us are the harshest critics, we need to understand that the fears that have kept them from pursuing their dreams can cause them to be hard on us.
'A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.'
Use Your Creativity - Face The Giant
When David first announced that he would kill Goliath, he probably didn't know how he was going to do it. As we read the story we see that he tried to wear the king's armor, but realized that it would not work (1 Samuel 17:38-39). But something that we learn from David through this incident is that it's ok to make mistakes, as long as we don't go too far. Once we realize something isn't working, we need to change what we're doing. We don't have to give up on our dream; we just need to change how we have been trying to reach it.
We will need to be creative and use our strengths if we want to become overnight successes. The king's armor would have been fine for the king, but not for David. Instead, David looked at his experience and skills, trusted in God, and found a solution to his gigantic challenge by using his sling.
Prepare For The Long Haul - Face The Facts
There was an interview with a famous rock musician who had catapulted to success after releasing a live album. The interviewer asked, "What was it like to become an overnight success?" The rock musician replied, "For me it was carrying my equipment in and out of dingy, smoke-filled bars, night after night for fifteen years, until we released that album."
David's goal was to become the king of Israel. His victory over Goliath played a major role in helping him accomplish that goal. But defeating Goliath was not all that he had to do. Many people have big dreams for their lives, but few of them see those dreams become a reality. The time and effort that it takes to overcome the obstacles that every successful person must face, the Goliaths that they have to defeat, seem to be too great.
Everyone who wants to be successful will have to build their confidence, stand firm in the face of criticism, find ways to use their strengths, and commit to reaching their dreams no matter how long it takes. Because the simple truth is, it takes time to become an overnight success because success is the natural reward of taking time to do anything well.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Loving Yourself
The best way to rebuild self worth and in the process your self esteem is to love yourself and become your own best friend.
In order to do this, it very helpful if you first truly forgive. Once you have truly forgiven everyone in your life, including yourself, you are free to truly move forward and create a new destiny for yourself.
Remember, the world in which we live reflects back to us how much we value ourselves. You can be the best artist, the best writer, the best engineer, the best mother--you can be absolute great at something, and yet receive no appreciation from anyone. Because the world will not honor you, until you first honor yourself. Many of us have been taught not to honor ourselves.
Whoever you are, you would probably hear statements like these in your life: “You’re not good enough. You’re not smart enough. You’re too smart for your own good. You’re too ugly…or too pretty. You’re too fat…you’re too thin…You’re lazy…you try too hard.”
So depending on your environment and how often this happens to you, among other factors, most of us grow up not valuing ourselves. Even those who put on a good show, and act confident are often putting on a front to gain approval. They usually listen to others first, and themselves last.
This is one reason many people never accomplish their dreams. Of course, there are varying degrees of these feelings of worthlessness. Some people still manage to have a descent life, although many feel as though they are “imposters.” Some, who have been destroyed, just can’t wait to die. No matter where you are in your life, it is possible to change this.
So…where do we start? One of the best places to start is to value who you are, right now, by loving yourself. God already loves you, do you?
Blood Covenants @ Christ The King Church
The sessions were an eye openner to many of the participants. While some of them found it heavy going at certain points they realised the need to start consuming solid food and move away from the liquid spiritual diet they have been having. And were they glad they faithfully attended the sessions.
Here's a testimony...
Hi Freddy,
My shallow mind told me that your final talk was to be a summation of it all and probably it is all I already know. But what a tremendous surprise it was for me last Friday.
You showed the connections very well especially when you talked about "drinking the fourth cup" and Jesus' passion from the agaony right up till the cruxfixion itself - the consummation (it is finished) - how Jesus' back was torn and exposed, the nine cat -tails, etc. I think I lost concentration a little as I was affected by those torturous moments that Christ went thru. (I have been meditating on that in my private Divine Mercy devotion, but your message came on quite strongly).
I also like the part where you linked with with marriage and talked about sexual activities outside marriage, marriage as a consummation of covenant.
It is a pity that my wife missed your final session as she is away in Germany. I would be sharing all that I can with her.
I would like to invite you for a talk for our yearly retreat of the lectors ministry. I hope we can work something out for the good of my fellow lectors.
Thanks in advance
God bless us all.
Andrew Tok
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Go Forth
- Used by Nelson Mandela in his 1994 inaugural speech
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
For Things To Change, I Have To...
They wake up in the morning, goes to work, comes back home, relaxes, chats with people, watches TV, then goes to sleep. Next day, the routine is the same. So is the next week & months to come. Is this what they call doing everything to improve it? They believe they have tried their best and just accepts it in their heart that this is the life that God has intended for them to live; that their luck can only change if God wills it.
Of course God wants us to be happy and live our life to the fullest, but we have to do our share of exerting the effort to live the life of our dreams. For things to change, we have to change. We know we don't have to suffer needlessly because our destiny depends on us and not on any other external factors.
We reap what we sow. We just don't sit around and wait for a million dollars to fall from the sky. We have to get off the couch, get our eyes off the TV screen, get our hands off the phone with those useless gossips and get our mind and body to work!
If our life is not going the way we want it to be, don't just say: "Our time will come." or "Things will get better some day." Don't expect our situation to change, unless you do something about it.
If something goes wrong, don't just regard it as a temporary setback; but use it as feedback. Learn our lessons, make the most of the situation, and do something to resolve the challenge.
It's not enough to think positive; we also have to act positive. If someone's life is in trouble, do we just hope and pray that things will turn out fine? Of course not! We have to go out of the way, get our feets wet & hands dirty to save the person.
So it is with our own life. It is not enough to hope for the best, but we have to do our best.
So lets set our goal. Work out our strategy & get into action.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
Discovering Your Purpose
Most of us, however, feel that we've arrived with a pack of wet matches. We want our lives to have purpose and power; we want to travel our paths with joy and confidence, but we can't seem to find a direction. We may use up physical, emotional, and psychic energy following paths of duty which our hearts cannot embrace. We may stand at a crossroads, so desperately afraid of making a mistake that we go nowhere. We may scatter our energy by trying to travel several paths at once.
The beginning of a new year is a traditional time for making new resolutions about one's life. But today will do too! One of the most important resolutions we can make is to begin a journey of self-discovery. In order to do this we need to understand how we got detoured in the first place.
From Soul to You. The soul is that aspect of our being which has never forgotten its purpose. It attempts to give travel directions to the personality, that aspect of ourselves which functions in physical reality--but the personality doesn't always receive the message. We may have learned not to believe in the soul, and also learned either to tune out its messages or to interpret them as a sign of lunacy. Thus, the first and most important step on a journey of self-discovery is to believe that there is a self to be discovered, that the map of possibilities we need is within ourselves, and accessible. It isn't enough to plant this belief; it must be nurtured as well, because in the beginning we need to trust in our souls without having any actual evidence of their existence. Faith, however, goes hand in hand with good works, and there is much we can do to help restore the interrupted lines of communication.
Paths and Patterns. Often when we play detective and investigate our own lives we find valuable clues. When you were a child what activities made you happiest? With whom did you have your most rewarding relationships? (These questions may also be asked about your present life.) By looking for patterns you can discover both the shape of possibilities in your life and the ways in which you've blocked them. For example, someone might discover that all her life people had told her that she would make a wonderful therapist, and that she, from lack of self-esteem, had never believed them. She might remember opportunities for doing counseling which she had refused. Someone else might remember a place he had always longed to visit, and how its name always seemed to come up--in conversation or in the books he reads.
In your search you will find your dreams valuable. Dreams are an important vehicle through which the soul communicates with the personality. In the dream state we're free to experiment with various possibilities for our lives, finally choosing the ones most suitable for physical manifestation. Our dream images express our deepest feelings and wishes as well as the beliefs which may prevent their expression. Pay close attention to your dreams, recording them, and re-reading them to discover messages and patterns. Receptivity to your dreams will enhance your ability to be receptive during your waking hours.
Be alert as well for the clues which may come up in day-to-day life. You may be intrigued by someone's description of a Polynesian dance class; you may have a sudden urge to learn to play the oboe. Playing the oboe or dancing the hula may not be your life's purpose, but following the impulse which pulls you most strongly can only lead you in the appropriate direction.
Getting Specific. You can also clarify your possibilities by asking these questions: If I didn't have to work for a living what would I love to do? If I were given $1 million, tax-free, what would be the first thing I'd do with it?
In doing this exercise be careful not to censor yourself. Don't worry if an idea which comes into your mind just seems to ridiculous or too impossible. These are the reactions which helped us to get off-course in the first place. What you write down isn't your final life plan, but--as in the case of your impulses--various attractive possibilities. Next, look at each possibility you've written down and ask yourself what value you will get from it. Do you want that boat because you love sailing and the sea? If so, what feeling does that give you? Do you want to sail around the world because you'd like to learn about other cultures? Why does that interest you? Keep adding to the list. As you study it, in combination with the information you've received from dreams, etc., you will find that you're clarifying both the nature of your gifts and interests, and the commitment you feel to contribute to others.
Another way to get to the latter is to ask yourself a third question, "How would I like to be remembered when I'm gone? Do I want people to say I was brilliant, considerate, generous?" How you would like to be remembered is really how you would like to be right now. Translate this feeling of commitment into a statement of purpose. Remember that no one is grading it; there's no deadline, and you can rewrite and refine it as many times as you want to. You'll know when it's right for you; you'll have a feeling of resonance and attunement. The next step is to align your life so that it's an appropriate vehicle for your purpose.
When Michelangelo was asked how he sculpted his works of art he said that he simply cut away everything which wasn't the statue. This is good advice, but let's go easy on the drastic, sweeping changes. Call on Turtle medicine and remember that slow and steady wins the race. The more surely you integrate your purpose into your being the easier change will be. Remember too, that as you begin to nurture your purpose you will find it growing. You'll discover that it's not the end, but the beginning, not a traveling away from yourself, but your journey home.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Life Unfolds
Firstly, having a new life at home has filled mine with intense joy. I look forward to spend time with her everyday. At the moment she sleeps most of the time and wakes up for meals or when she needs a change of diapers. During the time she is awake, besides playing with her and exposing her to black and white stimulus, we also give her a lot of tummy time on her crawling track. Yes... you will be surprised that even a 2 weeks old baby can crawl. What! 2 weeks old & she crawls! You will be shocked at the capability of infants. Some of the research I did a few months ago revealed the potential within an infant even before she is born.
Next, I removed my wisdom tooth. Oh my, I did not know that it would ache so much. I had to go back to the dentist last Monday because the pain was getting worse instead of getting better. Now, even after 2 weeks later, it still feels uncomfortable. Mmm … I sure hope it would heal completely asap.
Thirdly, all the prelim marking I had to complete in the midst of all these events in my life was a real challenge. Nonetheless, I had to give my 100% focus. If for nothing else, for the love of my students, I had to complete it. Yes, I pushed myself & am glad I was able to complete it although I was on course for the last two weekends.
Finally, if you have missed out on the Blood Covenant series conducted in July, you have another opportunity now. A new series has just started last Friday @ Christ the King Church 8 pm onwards. It would be running for the next 3 Fridays. So don't miss out on this opportunity and I look forward to seeing you there.
Praise the Lord!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Baby Jessica
Monday, September 18, 2006
Exciting Times
Life is surely going to change and I look forward to it. Thanks for all your concern, support and prayers. It really made a big difference in our lives. God Bless!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
More than 350 young Catholics in Singapore had their hearts set ablaze with God's Love as they took part in the Ablaze Youth Rally. The event was held on 9 September 2006 from 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm at the Ignatius Hall of St. Ignatius Church. Its overriding theme was "Experience the Deeper, Higher and Longer Love of God".
During the first half of the rally, sonorous praise and solemn worship were led by a combined music ministry from youth groups such as Amplify Ministries, NTU-CSA Charismatic Prayer Group, Living Stones Campus Outreach, SJ Connectors, and John 10:10. Despite the hall being filled to its maximum capacity, the young congregation was undaunted by the standing-room-only space and spent all their energy to praise God. This unexpectedly huge turnout speaks in favor of the truth that God's Love proves to be an even stronger crowd-puller than Saturday night clubbing for many of today's young Catholics. Ria Anggriani, 21, who led the organizing team for this rally explains the phenomenon thus, "The need of youths to experience Christ's love is shown through this event. We are no longer afraid to show to the world that we are God's children, and that our joy is in gathering together to worship Him."
After praise and worship, Freddy Gomez from Amplify Ministries passionately delivered a spiritually enriching talk. Filled with conviction, he spoke of how God imparts the gift of self-control to his people and how this gift enables them to re-frame their concerns and challenges in life with a Christian paradigm. Furthermore, he said that having this frame of mind helps them to respond to any situation in a Christ-like manner and to influence its outcome to be more reflective of God's Love. Referring to the Apostle Paul's Letter to the Church in Philippi, Gomez expounds on the rationale for his talk saying, " Just like Paul's response to his imprisonment, we too have to recognize that we have control over our response to an event in life which would in turn determine the outcome of the event. By exercising control over our emotions through the power of the Spirit, we would be better able to reflect the love of God in all our challenges of life."
The young audience took home the message. One of them was Erwin Siow, 24, a student of The National University of Singapore Business School. When asked what aspect of the speaker's talk gave him a better understanding of God's Love, he vividly recalled, "Freddy's talk illustrated how we can use our God-given ability of self-control to re-frame our responses to bad situations so as to derive positive outcomes from them." Furthermore, he commented on his overall experience at Ablaze. He shared, "The passion for Jesus displayed by our friends from SACCRE Youth is simply infectious. Aptly enough, it has set ablaze my desire to deepen my relationship with God through a community focused on Christ."
The Ablaze Youth Rally is organized by the various groups that comprise the Singapore Archdiocesan Catholic Charismatic Renewal Youth (SACCRE Youth). The next Ablaze Youth Rally is expected to take place sometime next year. More information on Ablaze can be obtained from the SACCRE Youth Website , the Ablaze Blog, by E-mail to or by contacting Marcellus at 98781601.
- Miguel
Sunday, September 10, 2006
The week is almost over and tomorrow's yet another Monday. It's super fast, how time just fast forwards almost too quickly. Mondays can be rather daunting because it means more work (if you're working) or more classes (if you're studying!). And for some of you, it's back to school after the 1 week break ya?
Instead of facing this new week with a frown, do chin up and smile for the sun is shining brightly and there's no reason for you to not feel cheery too! :)
And here's just a recap of what we covered at the GOD & Me session helmed by Freddy Gomez ( this Friday:
Phillipians 4:4 - Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say again, Rejoice!
If St. Paul can rejoice despite being imprisoned, so can we.
Your response to challenging situations will determine your outcome. It's about being victorious for Christ. We are more than conquerors. Undesired events might deter us from being positive but our response is detrimental. It decides what state you'll get into.
It's always easy to blame it on the environment and to complain or get upset but it only leads to more grievances.
Ultimately, the way you react to situations determines the state you'll be in. So try to be resourceful and see the upside of events that might not necessarily be too rosy and you might not feel so miserable.
- Cherly
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Getting a Maid
I identified a transfer maid a few months ago only to find out in August that she preferred to go back. So I went back to the internet to search for more maids & also down to Bukit Timah Shopping Center. It seems much easier to look for a maid online. mmmm obviously.
I prayed ... asking for God's direction and finally went to meet a maid on Sunday. After interviewing her, my wife and I decided to get her services. Just before I could make a down payment, the maid said she had to discuss some matters with the agent prior to agreeing to work with us.
So I received a call the next day and I was informed that the maid wanted every Sunday off. So off I went in search of a new maid. Checked online.... none suitable. Went down to Bukit Timah Shopping Center again. This time just walking into every agency stating my requirement. Came across a few but England very weak.
Finally... yes... I found her! Simply amazing. She can speak Bahasa, English, Hokkien & Mandarin... wow! Loves looking after children and ex - Singapore maid. What more can I ask for? Oh there was more alright. She used to train maids who were coming to Singapore to work. Hahaha ... she is a trainer just like her employer. Praise the Lord
Sunday, September 03, 2006
1st Sept 2006 - New Begining
I hear from friends about the struggles of having a new born and at the same time I see the joy in their eyes. A joy that overcomes the struggles. Why focus on the struggles then? I just have to keep replaying in my mind the joy of new life. The opportunities that await baby Jessica. The challenges she has to go through and the ultimate victory in life... which, by the way, is already won by Christ.
I pray Jessica will be on fire for Christ from a very young age... mmm... let me correct that... from birth. All glory to God.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
A study was conducted on "The Relationship Between Watching Professional Wrestling on Television and Engaging in Date Fighting Among High School Students." The survey of 2,485 students from North Carolina, found that there were significant correlations between frequency of watching wrestling and engaging in fighting and weapon carrying for both males and females.
The authors commented that "numerous studies have revealed a consistent association between adolescents' exposure to violence and victimization and their risk of carrying weapons, having attitudes accepting the use of violence or aggressive behaviors to resolve conflict or achieve goals, and actually using violence."
The recommendation: "Reducing children's and adolescents' exposure to violence from media sources should be an important component of any violence-prevention strategy."
So to there parents out there: 'What are our children watching?'
To the youth & adults: 'What are we watching?'
Sex in the City
The average youth, according to the article, listens to music 1.5 to 2.5 hours per day, not counting music videos. Sexual themes are common in much of this music and range from romantic and playful to degrading and hostile. The authors found a strong justification for the notion that listening to sexual lyrics may influence adolescents' sexual behavior. Their study foound that "Teens who spent more time listening to music were more likely than those who spent less to initiate intercourse."
The results showed that the more teens listened to degrading sexual music content, the more likely they were to subsequently initiate intercourse. By contrast, exposure to non-degrading sexual music did not lead to changes in sexual behavior. "Reducing the amount of degrading sexual content in popular music or reducing young people's exposure to music with this type of content could help delay the onset of sexual behavior," concluded the article.
So what music do you listen to?
Sunday, August 20, 2006
My Prayer Today
Peace be with you. It is with great joy that I come into your presence today, knowing that your love endures forever. Though mountains may tremble and valleys may run dry, your love endures forever.
What is your love, O Lord? Your love is your commitment to us. Committed to ensure that even if I walk thro' the valley of darkness, no evil need I fear. Your staff and your rod are there to protect me.
Glory to God in the highest and peace to his people on earth. You rule the world with love and your love endures forever. Your mercy reigns over your justice. We would never face your wrath as long as we repent and come back to you and dwell in your love. Yes, indeed the love of God endures forever.
You have chosen me, useless that I am, pulled me up from the pit of death and nourished me with your life. The 'zoe' of God. The life that has overcome death. Yes, victory is yours. The world is yours. Let all the inhabitants of the world praise your holy name … for your love endures forever.
SACCRE Youth to set Youths Ablaze
As a body of various youth ministries across the diocese, SACCRE Youth is a newly formed youth body under SACCRE (Singapore Archdiocesan Catholic Charismatic Renewal Experience) with a huge vision, of building and inspiring a growing desire among youths in our parishes to enter and experience a real and deeper relationship with God.
Young people today are being pulled away from the church by numerous factors. SACCRE Youth believes that we need revival and to be set ‘on fire’ by experiencing the love of God in a radical way, even more than what we’ve always known. Youths today need a catalyst for renewal and for turning back to the church.
ABLAZE is therefore aimed to be a nationwide youth rally where young people from all over Singapore gather and be inspired by other young Catholics on fire for God. It aspires to give every participant a new, exciting experience of God's love and presence. At this Spirit-filled event, young people, especially youths from the West district, will be challenged to live out their faith in new ways and to contribute their talents, instead of watching the church at the sidelines.
Though this September event is held in the west district, young people all over Singapore are invited. Expect a lively praise and worship scene, and a spiritually revitalising talk on the theme -- The deeper, higher and longer love of God.
The rally’s guest speaker is Freddy Gomez, who is experienced in engaging with youth in spiritual dialogue, helping them encounter Jesus in their lives by sharing his own journey towards Christ. At the end of the talk, all will be invited to request intercessory and healing prayer for any personal need.
The various youth ministries sharing the vision of SACCRE Youth include Amplify Ministries, Jesus Youth (Christ the King), Living Stones Campus Outreach, NTU CSA Charismatic Prayer Group, and Youth Arise Ministry (OLPS).
If you are interested to be part of ABLAZE you may get there via bus services 48, 93, 153, 165, 174, 186, 855 or 961 to Farrer Road and walk towards St. Ignatius Church along King’s Road.
More information on the rally can be obtained from the Ablaze Blog at, by email to or by contacting Marcellus 98781601.
-by Samantha Chan
More information:
Thursday, August 17, 2006
The Situation in Singapore
Rise in sex infections hastens need to educate the young
Threefold increase in cases among those aged 10-19; over 40 have HIV
-The Straits Times
I'm so glad the unmarried youth & young adults committed themselves to sexual purity during the last instalment of the Blood Covenant series. Marriage is a blood covenant and true love waits.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Victorious Living
When we become Christians we are born again. We are born again as we take on a new nature, the nature of Christ. We are exchanging robes with Christ as we enter into covenant with Jesus.
During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He was operating under the old covenant and that was why he was circumcised when young. All the signs and wonders that Jesus performed, he performed it operating under the old covenant before he could establish the new covenant with his own blood.
That is probably the reason why Jesus said that we would do the things that he did and greater things then him. Can you imagine … you can do greater things than Jesus. Do you believe it?
To be continued.
Beautiful Day
It was a joy to start the day with Mass & reflecting on the life of Mary. She is indeed a humble and powerful instrument of God. The vessel that was to bring God into the world. In all of humanity, she was chosen. She must have been real special in the eyes of God to be chosen for this role. Hence, we should always look to her as our role model in Christ. Many saints have look at her as their role model in life and achieve exemplary results. So can we. As we dedicate our lives to Christ, it is indeed a life worth living.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Blood Covenant Part 4
Last Friday nite, we focused on the Mosaic Covenant & the New Covenant. In the Mosaic Covenant, we zoomed in on the Passover Celebration, which was the bonding agent of the covenant. Since, the actual Passover, the celebration has been carried out for centuries even until today. Yes, Jews today still celebrate the Passover as a memorial of the great and mighty works the Lord had done to set the people free from slavery.
We looked at the salient points of the Passover and proceeded to see the New Covenant in the light of the old. It was an amazing eye opener to those who were there. They discovered in depth, how Jesus, the lamb who takes away the sins of the world, took our place at the cross.
When, Jesus sets us free, we are free indeed. The blessing and promises of God are there for us to claim as we are now his covenant partners and can come boldly into the presence of God. Rejoice! Rejoice in the Lord always.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
What a Nite!
People from all walks of life are coming together to dwell in the presence of God. Be it secondary / JC students, teachers, lawyers, civil servants, budding entrepreneurs, accountants, etc... they are all at the Catholic Spirituality Centre worshipping God & being nourished in his word at Amplify Ministries prayer meetings.
The nite started with an amazing praise and worship to the mighty Lord led my Dominic Chan.

The third installment of the Blood Covenant series started 'in the beginning' - Genesis.



Thursday, August 03, 2006
Watch Out for Tomolo Nite!
Interesting News
Thursday Aug 3 08:17 AEST
Shock-rock grandaddy Alice Cooper, best known for his macabre stage antics and songs about hell and booze, is helping build a Christian youth centre in Arizona, his foundation has announced.
Cooper's Solid Rock Foundation is to develop the centre for teenagers at Grand Canyon University, a non-denominational Christian centre of higher learning in Phoenix, according to a statement by the foundation, a Christian nonprofit group.
The 1858sqm project, nicknamed "The Rock," will offer after-school programs and special events for area youth.
The site "is designed to provide a safe and fun place for area teens to gather and participate in program activities that will make a difference in their lives," the statement read.
The foundation's "primary goal is to honor Christ by helping to meet the spiritual, economical, physical, and social needs of teenagers and children within our community," a statement from the foundation website read.
Cooper, 58, is one of the godfathers of American hard rock. His stage acts, often inspired by horror movies, included using outlandish makeup, liters of fake blood, and often a live boa constrictor.
Born Vincent Furnier, Cooper is married, a father, and also an avid golfer and a great admirer of Australian pop singer Kylie Minogue.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Partners of Amplify
And to celebrate the birthdays of Leo, Cass & Cheryl.
This place had so many games to pick from. Wow! Most of them, I have not even heard of.
The partners had a great time enjoying the company and games.
Some decided to stick to good old UNO. While others ventured into new grounds.
Would you like to be a partner of Amplify? Come join us this Friday @ 8.00pm @ Catholic Spirituality Centre to find out more.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Blood Covenant Part 2: Hebrew Covenant Ritual

Here we have King Ignatius Goh of Singapore exchanging robe with an ordinary 8 years old Singaporean schooling girl, Marissa Decruz.


Marissa is no longer an ordinary 8 years old Singaoprean girl. She has become extraodinary. Why? Because she has got friends in high places.
You are also special. You too have friends in high places. Come this Friday, 4th Aug, to discover more about your covenant partner.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Happening Friday Nite!

Freddy, I just want to affirm you for the altar call last Fri. For me, that was the highlight of the night as I see so many take that step to turn their lives over once again. It was by God's Grace that none of the intercessors knew abt the altar call that night, yet while we were having intercession before the prayer meet, many of us just kept lifting up petitions for those who had drifted, were broken or in bondage, the very people I believe were called to respond to God during the altar call!

On Thurs, Dom was praying and had an image of a fren who'd come and he'd be praying over her, and lo and behold, praise God, that was exactly what happened! She ended up coming to him at the Jesus room where he was ministering at the end of the prayer meet. And she also shared how thru a strange twists of events (no doubt orchestrated by God), she had come for the prayer meeting.
The numbers we have at prayer meet are a wonderful reflection of the potential for lives to be transformed by His Word, His healing, His call and His Love."
- Daphne Koh
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Amplify Ministries @ St. Joseph's Church
It started with a wonderful time of praising and worshiping the Lord led by Nat form Jn 10:10 of SACCRE Youth. Wow! She was real good and was able able to bring all of us into a deep worship.


Thursday, July 20, 2006
Amplify Ministries F.C.

We had Dom making a comeback after 2 years of layoff due to a knee injury. He was miraculously healed by the Lord a few weeks ago. He initially thought that he would not be able to play a competitive game for years to come but God had other plans. Look out for his testimony soon.
The latest signing of Amplify Ministries F.C. was Don, who just attended the Youth in the Spirit Seminar in June 06. He is a great signing.
Nonetheless, after the match we realised we really need more new signings. So, if you are interested to join us, come to our prayer meetings on Friday nite @ 8pm to introduce yourself to us.
And if you have a team at wants to test your might with us. Feel free to tag me and / or come to the prayer meetings as well.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
God's Moving @ Amplify Ministries
There's certainly a fresh annointing amongst us all and a renewed zeal in building authentic and God-centred bonds. I personally believe that this is truly a heightened desire to gather more people to join us in celebrating the love of our Father, whom we're simply so in awe of.
Let's continue to put in our hardest and best efforts, knowing that Harvest time is near!"
Grace Lin
Blood Covenants Part 1: Life is in the Blood
I believe you are truly going to be blessed as you go through this series. The content of the first talk itself is going to blow you off your seat. You going to discover so many truths that it is just going to be simply amazing.
I look forward to seeing you this Friday. To be blessed by your presence and to bless you in return. Praise the Lord!
P.S. No matter how young or how old you are, you are most welcomed.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
My Reflections On SACCRE Youth
There are many youth / young adult ministries that see SACCRE Youth as a form of competition to their own youth / young adult ministry in terms of resources, etc. We have to change this mindset and see SACCRE Youth as complementary to our youth / young adult ministry. We must see ourselves as part of a body and SACCRE Youth can unite this body.
SACCRE Youth is a place where resources are pooled and made available to assist the growth of the body. For e.g. speakers, praise & worship leaders, musicians, cell group training, pastoral guidance, publicity team, etc.
Instead of building up new ministries at the moment, we should focus on helping our current ministries grow with the available pool of resources. We need to adopt a macro view and see the big picture instead of having a microscopic view…. Thinking only about our own ministry.
By adopting a macro mindset, we will be able to hold evangelical events for the larger body of Christ to bring them into the fold of youth / young adults ABLAZE for Christ.
We need to come up with a calendar of events which highlights key events of all our partner ministries so that the events do not clash and that every partner ministry can promote each others events.
We are the Church. What we do now will influence the future generations of Christians in Singapore.
P.S. Look out for the next SACCRE Youth Rally 'ABAZE.' Coming your way in Sept 2006. It's going to be a blast!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Blood Covenants

YES! It's finally here. After 6 years of not preaching on this subject, I was prompted to do it again. It's going to be real exciting. You are going to discover that life is in the blood, the Hebrew covenant ritual, God's covenant with man and the New Covenant. It's truly 'A Love Story of Epic Proportions.' View the trailer... mark down the dates... be there for a life changing experience.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
God & Money

'I tell you, make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth, so that when it fails, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and the person who is dishonest in very small matters is also dishonest in great ones. If, therefore, you are not trustworthy with dishonest wealth, who will trust you with true wealth? If you are not trustworthy with what belongs to another, who will give you what is yours? No servant can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all these things and sneered at him.'
Luke 16:9-14
Verse 9 - 'I tell you, make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth…'
Dishonest wealth here means money. How do we make friends for ourselves with money? Clearly, the parable prior to this scripture tells us that it is done by giving money away. We have to recognise the importance of giving money away and helping others. That's how we reflect our trustworthiness with money. The money given to us is meant to be given to others especially the less privileged or for the spread of the Gospel of Christ. This does not mean that we give all our money away as we also have to be responsible consumers and savers.
So how much should we give away? The Bible recommends that we give our tithe and offerings. A tithe is 10% of our income and offering is an undetermined amount as we are prompted.
Note that God does not have a problem with the amount of wealth a person has as long as we are giving part of it away.
Verse 9 - 'I tell you, make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth, so that when it fails, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.'
What is Luke referring to when he wrote 'when it fails'? When does money fail? Money surely seizes to be useful when we die. When we die, we would never need money again. Hence, that is when money fails.
Hence when we use the money as required, when we die, we would be welcomed into eternal dwellings, that is we will be welcomed into heaven.
Verse 11 - 'If, therefore, you are not trustworthy with dishonest wealth, who will trust you with true wealth?'
Dishonest wealth = money
True wealth = heaven
Verse 12 - 'If you are not trustworthy with what belongs to another, who will give you what is yours?'
Money = belong to others
Heaven = belongs to you
The money we have belongs to others and if we do not give it away we would not be trustworthy with it. The consequence of it is that we would not be given what belongs to us, that is, we would not inherit the kingdom of heaven which is rightfully our as it is prepared for us by our Father.
Verse 13 - 'No servant can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."
It is important to recognise that what belongs to us is more important than what belongs to others. Hence, heaven created by God is more important than money. God and money should also not be seen as of the same importance. God must always be more important than money in our lives.
If money is more important to us than God, we ultimately would not be able to love and follow God simply because God wants us to seek him first but we are doing the contrary of it.
Verse 14 - 'The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all these things and sneered at him.'
Money in itself is not evil, it is the love of money more than God that is evil.
In conclusion, God has got no problem with me being rich as long as I give away part of my income. By giving part of my income away, it reflects that I am trustworthy and honest in this very small matter and God will reward me by having me in his presence in heaven when I die.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Youth Prayer Rally 2006

The event was organised by Maranatha Prayer Ministry with the intention of bringing more vibrancy and life to the prayer life of youths, no matter their spiritual level, inspiring youths to take the step to establish a more active personal prayer life and a closer relationship with God and instilling in youths a sense of belonging in the Catholic community.
Hence, the objective of event was to inspire youths to develop a stronger relationship with God through a personal experience of God’s love. They invited me to be the guest speaker for the event.
The nite was filled with an array of events such as video presentation, dance, praise & worship, mime, talk and ministry. As the preacher for the nite, I was very edified with the level of commitment of the organising committee. They initiated and met up with me twice prior to the actual event and ensured that every angle was covered.
I preached on the 'Renewal of the Mind' with a greater focus on prayer. It was just amazing! The anointing of the Holy Spirit was strong and I felt that even my preaching was going to another level. It was no longer I, but Christ who lives in me. Yes! From the testimonies I got after the rally, it was clearly evident that the Spirit had a unique message for each of the 500 youth & adults there at the rally.
The anointing was so strong that I was able to move freely in the gifts of healings, prophecy & word of knowledge. God was in charge and I was just loving it being his unworthy vessel. Praise the Lord!
Be on the lookout for the upcoming series of talks I'll be conducting on 'Blood Covenants' at Amplify Ministries starting 21st July 2006. God Bless.