Sunday, July 30, 2006

Partners of Amplify

The Partners of Amplify got together for a nite of fun yesterday.

And to celebrate the birthdays of Leo, Cass & Cheryl.

This place had so many games to pick from. Wow! Most of them, I have not even heard of.

The partners had a great time enjoying the company and games.

Some decided to stick to good old UNO. While others ventured into new grounds.

Would you like to be a partner of Amplify? Come join us this Friday @ 8.00pm @ Catholic Spirituality Centre to find out more.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Blood Covenant Part 2: Hebrew Covenant Ritual

Wow! The Amplify prayer meeting yesterday was simply awesome. We learnt the 9 Steps that 2 Hebrews would go through when they make covenant with each other. What better way to bring to life than seeing it happen right in front of our very eyes.

Here we have King Ignatius Goh of Singapore exchanging robe with an ordinary 8 years old Singaporean schooling girl, Marissa Decruz.Here comes the bull, the animal that would be split down the middle as they cut the covenant.

A blood sprinked plant was planted to always remind them of their covenant. They have now become friends. 2 persons would only become friends after going through the entire ritual unlike today.

Marissa is no longer an ordinary 8 years old Singaoprean girl. She has become extraodinary. Why? Because she has got friends in high places.

You are also special. You too have friends in high places. Come this Friday, 4th Aug, to discover more about your covenant partner.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Happening Friday Nite!

"Just want to share that my fren who came last Fri said she'd never attended a session like that before, that it was different from the talks she's gone to before, very lively! She sounded intent to try to make it down next Fri again, praise God!
And best of all, during the 'altar call' she stood up to recommit herself to God! She's a newly baptised Catholic. Imagine if even she already needed a renewal of her commitment to God, how much more would many of us Sunday cradle Catholics!

Freddy, I just want to affirm you for the altar call last Fri. For me, that was the highlight of the night as I see so many take that step to turn their lives over once again. It was by God's Grace that none of the intercessors knew abt the altar call that night, yet while we were having intercession before the prayer meet, many of us just kept lifting up petitions for those who had drifted, were broken or in bondage, the very people I believe were called to respond to God during the altar call!
I also want to encourage all of you to encourage your frens, esp those whom you know are in need or searching, to come for ministering so we can pray with them! It is a vital part of our ministry at prayer meets.

On Thurs, Dom was praying and had an image of a fren who'd come and he'd be praying over her, and lo and behold, praise God, that was exactly what happened! She ended up coming to him at the Jesus room where he was ministering at the end of the prayer meet. And she also shared how thru a strange twists of events (no doubt orchestrated by God), she had come for the prayer meeting.

The numbers we have at prayer meet are a wonderful reflection of the potential for lives to be transformed by His Word, His healing, His call and His Love."

- Daphne Koh

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Amplify Ministries @ St. Joseph's Church

St. Joseph's Church, Bukit Timah, is currently conducting the Life in the Spirit Seminar with an amazing 180 participants hungrily awaiting the renewal in the Lord. Last Tuesday the participants experienced the healing love of Jesus.

It started with a wonderful time of praising and worshiping the Lord led by Nat form Jn 10:10 of SACCRE Youth. Wow! She was real good and was able able to bring all of us into a deep worship.
The guess speaker was Martin, the ex-cordinator of Amplify Ministries and loving known as MM of Amplify. He shared the word of God with many real life examples as he prepared the people to encounter the healing love of God.
This was followed by a time of ministry where each participants were prayed over individually by various active members of St. Joseph's Church and Amplify Ministries. The healing love of God moved powerfully and many were emotionally, spiritually and physically healed. Praise the Lord!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Amplify Ministries F.C.

The newly formed Amplify Ministries F.C. had its first game on Sunday, 16th July 06. We were matching ourselves with Bandung United, two times winner of Catholeague. After some warm up the two teams united themselves in prayer just prior to the kick off.

We had Dom making a comeback after 2 years of layoff due to a knee injury. He was miraculously healed by the Lord a few weeks ago. He initially thought that he would not be able to play a competitive game for years to come but God had other plans. Look out for his testimony soon.

The latest signing of Amplify Ministries F.C. was Don, who just attended the Youth in the Spirit Seminar in June 06. He is a great signing.

Nonetheless, after the match we realised we really need more new signings. So, if you are interested to join us, come to our prayer meetings on Friday nite @ 8pm to introduce yourself to us.

And if you have a team at wants to test your might with us. Feel free to tag me and / or come to the prayer meetings as well.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

God's Moving @ Amplify Ministries

"I am extremely edified by the way our ministry has grown, through the formation of new ministries, rising up of new leaders and more so, the way each person has gone about executing their roles.

There's certainly a fresh annointing amongst us all and a renewed zeal in building authentic and God-centred bonds. I personally believe that this is truly a heightened desire to gather more people to join us in celebrating the love of our Father, whom we're simply so in awe of.

Let's continue to put in our hardest and best efforts, knowing that Harvest time is near!"

Grace Lin

Blood Covenants Part 1: Life is in the Blood

Yes! We are fast approaching part 1 of the blood covenant series starting this Friday 21st July 2006. I just finished preparing my powerpoint slides and I was so excited just doing it although it took me hours.

I believe you are truly going to be blessed as you go through this series. The content of the first talk itself is going to blow you off your seat. You going to discover so many truths that it is just going to be simply amazing.

I look forward to seeing you this Friday. To be blessed by your presence and to bless you in return. Praise the Lord!

P.S. No matter how young or how old you are, you are most welcomed.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

My Reflections On SACCRE Youth

SACCRE Youth exist for a purpose. We are a united body of youth / young adults who shine the light of Christ in the Charismatic Renewal in Singapore. Unity is of utmost importance and that is what we will shine.

There are many youth / young adult ministries that see SACCRE Youth as a form of competition to their own youth / young adult ministry in terms of resources, etc. We have to change this mindset and see SACCRE Youth as complementary to our youth / young adult ministry. We must see ourselves as part of a body and SACCRE Youth can unite this body.

SACCRE Youth is a place where resources are pooled and made available to assist the growth of the body. For e.g. speakers, praise & worship leaders, musicians, cell group training, pastoral guidance, publicity team, etc.

Instead of building up new ministries at the moment, we should focus on helping our current ministries grow with the available pool of resources. We need to adopt a macro view and see the big picture instead of having a microscopic view…. Thinking only about our own ministry.

By adopting a macro mindset, we will be able to hold evangelical events for the larger body of Christ to bring them into the fold of youth / young adults ABLAZE for Christ.

We need to come up with a calendar of events which highlights key events of all our partner ministries so that the events do not clash and that every partner ministry can promote each others events.

We are the Church. What we do now will influence the future generations of Christians in Singapore.

P.S. Look out for the next SACCRE Youth Rally 'ABAZE.' Coming your way in Sept 2006. It's going to be a blast!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Blood Covenants

YES! It's finally here. After 6 years of not preaching on this subject, I was prompted to do it again. It's going to be real exciting. You are going to discover that life is in the blood, the Hebrew covenant ritual, God's covenant with man and the New Covenant. It's truly 'A Love Story of Epic Proportions.' View the trailer... mark down the dates... be there for a life changing experience.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

God & Money

For a number of years I have been struggling with the concept of God and money. I have gone through life asking myself questions such as, 'Is it ok to be rich? Does God want me to be rich? Or is it better to remain poor or with average income so that I don't allow riches to tempt me? The list went on and on. Hence, the following reflection.

'I tell you, make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth, so that when it fails, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and the person who is dishonest in very small matters is also dishonest in great ones. If, therefore, you are not trustworthy with dishonest wealth, who will trust you with true wealth? If you are not trustworthy with what belongs to another, who will give you what is yours? No servant can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all these things and sneered at him.'
Luke 16:9-14

Verse 9 - 'I tell you, make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth…'

Dishonest wealth here means money. How do we make friends for ourselves with money? Clearly, the parable prior to this scripture tells us that it is done by giving money away. We have to recognise the importance of giving money away and helping others. That's how we reflect our trustworthiness with money. The money given to us is meant to be given to others especially the less privileged or for the spread of the Gospel of Christ. This does not mean that we give all our money away as we also have to be responsible consumers and savers.

So how much should we give away? The Bible recommends that we give our tithe and offerings. A tithe is 10% of our income and offering is an undetermined amount as we are prompted.

Note that God does not have a problem with the amount of wealth a person has as long as we are giving part of it away.

Verse 9 - 'I tell you, make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth, so that when it fails, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.'

What is Luke referring to when he wrote 'when it fails'? When does money fail? Money surely seizes to be useful when we die. When we die, we would never need money again. Hence, that is when money fails.

Hence when we use the money as required, when we die, we would be welcomed into eternal dwellings, that is we will be welcomed into heaven.

Verse 11 - 'If, therefore, you are not trustworthy with dishonest wealth, who will trust you with true wealth?'

Dishonest wealth = money
True wealth = heaven

Verse 12 - 'If you are not trustworthy with what belongs to another, who will give you what is yours?'

Money = belong to others
Heaven = belongs to you

The money we have belongs to others and if we do not give it away we would not be trustworthy with it. The consequence of it is that we would not be given what belongs to us, that is, we would not inherit the kingdom of heaven which is rightfully our as it is prepared for us by our Father.

Verse 13 - 'No servant can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."

It is important to recognise that what belongs to us is more important than what belongs to others. Hence, heaven created by God is more important than money. God and money should also not be seen as of the same importance. God must always be more important than money in our lives.

If money is more important to us than God, we ultimately would not be able to love and follow God simply because God wants us to seek him first but we are doing the contrary of it.

Verse 14 - 'The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all these things and sneered at him.'

Money in itself is not evil, it is the love of money more than God that is evil.

In conclusion, God has got no problem with me being rich as long as I give away part of my income. By giving part of my income away, it reflects that I am trustworthy and honest in this very small matter and God will reward me by having me in his presence in heaven when I die.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Youth Prayer Rally 2006

Peace of the Lord be with you. Were you there at Christ The King Church for the Youth Prayer Rally 2006 last Saturday? Wow! It was simply amazing.

The event was organised by Maranatha Prayer Ministry with the intention of bringing more vibrancy and life to the prayer life of youths, no matter their spiritual level, inspiring youths to take the step to establish a more active personal prayer life and a closer relationship with God and instilling in youths a sense of belonging in the Catholic community.

Hence, the objective of event was to inspire youths to develop a stronger relationship with God through a personal experience of God’s love. They invited me to be the guest speaker for the event.

The nite was filled with an array of events such as video presentation, dance, praise & worship, mime, talk and ministry. As the preacher for the nite, I was very edified with the level of commitment of the organising committee. They initiated and met up with me twice prior to the actual event and ensured that every angle was covered.

I preached on the 'Renewal of the Mind' with a greater focus on prayer. It was just amazing! The anointing of the Holy Spirit was strong and I felt that even my preaching was going to another level. It was no longer I, but Christ who lives in me. Yes! From the testimonies I got after the rally, it was clearly evident that the Spirit had a unique message for each of the 500 youth & adults there at the rally.

The anointing was so strong that I was able to move freely in the gifts of healings, prophecy & word of knowledge. God was in charge and I was just loving it being his unworthy vessel. Praise the Lord!

Be on the lookout for the upcoming series of talks I'll be conducting on 'Blood Covenants' at Amplify Ministries starting 21st July 2006. God Bless.

Welcome To My Blog

This is my first time at blogging. Hence, forgive me if there are some mistakes along the way. For a start, maybe you can read my profile to get to know me better. Thanks & God Bless.