Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Victorious Living

Have you ever wondered … wondered why many Christians do not live victorious lives. The go around all day gloomy, bored, uninterested & seemingly defeated. I mean… come on aren’t we supposed to be victorious in Christ? Living a life filled with purpose and meaning? Yet sadly, many Christians live a very miserable life. Was the price paid on the cross not enough? Mmmm … well, probably they just do not know the covenantal blessings that is available to them and the rights of a believer.

When we become Christians we are born again. We are born again as we take on a new nature, the nature of Christ. We are exchanging robes with Christ as we enter into covenant with Jesus.

During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He was operating under the old covenant and that was why he was circumcised when young. All the signs and wonders that Jesus performed, he performed it operating under the old covenant before he could establish the new covenant with his own blood.

That is probably the reason why Jesus said that we would do the things that he did and greater things then him. Can you imagine … you can do greater things than Jesus. Do you believe it?

To be continued.

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