Praise the mighty name of Jesus. It is with great joy, Jesus that I come into your presence this morning. Today I start the new year in which I reach out to as many people as you put in my path. I dedicate today and the rest of the year into your loving arms. As I reach out to others, grant me the grace to reach out with your love. May every opportunity be an occasion where your love can be made manifest.
May this year be a year of great impact as I depend completely on you. You are the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. Everything was created by you. You created us and saw it was very good. Only you are good and since we were created in your image and likeness, we were able to reflect your goodness. Father of Goodness, may your goodness in me radiate through out my entire being. Let it shine O Lord and may your Name be exalted through out the nations. On my on strength I am nothing and I believe that with you all things are possible. Jesus, I trust in You.
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