Most of us enjoy WWE. Some of us can even name the 'actors' and are ardent supporters of some of them.
A study was conducted on "The Relationship Between Watching Professional Wrestling on Television and Engaging in Date Fighting Among High School Students." The survey of 2,485 students from North Carolina, found that there were significant correlations between frequency of watching wrestling and engaging in fighting and weapon carrying for both males and females.
The authors commented that "numerous studies have revealed a consistent association between adolescents' exposure to violence and victimization and their risk of carrying weapons, having attitudes accepting the use of violence or aggressive behaviors to resolve conflict or achieve goals, and actually using violence."
The recommendation: "Reducing children's and adolescents' exposure to violence from media sources should be an important component of any violence-prevention strategy."
So to there parents out there: 'What are our children watching?'
To the youth & adults: 'What are we watching?'
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Sex in the City
Recent studies confirmed concerns about the influence of media on children and adolescents. A journal article in 'Pediatrics', entitled "Exposure to Degrading Versus Nondegrading Music Lyrics and Sexual Behavior Among Youth," was based on telephone interviews with 1,461 teens aged 12 to 17. The group was interviewed three times: in 2001, 2002 and 2004.
The average youth, according to the article, listens to music 1.5 to 2.5 hours per day, not counting music videos. Sexual themes are common in much of this music and range from romantic and playful to degrading and hostile. The authors found a strong justification for the notion that listening to sexual lyrics may influence adolescents' sexual behavior. Their study foound that "Teens who spent more time listening to music were more likely than those who spent less to initiate intercourse."
The results showed that the more teens listened to degrading sexual music content, the more likely they were to subsequently initiate intercourse. By contrast, exposure to non-degrading sexual music did not lead to changes in sexual behavior. "Reducing the amount of degrading sexual content in popular music or reducing young people's exposure to music with this type of content could help delay the onset of sexual behavior," concluded the article.
So what music do you listen to?
The average youth, according to the article, listens to music 1.5 to 2.5 hours per day, not counting music videos. Sexual themes are common in much of this music and range from romantic and playful to degrading and hostile. The authors found a strong justification for the notion that listening to sexual lyrics may influence adolescents' sexual behavior. Their study foound that "Teens who spent more time listening to music were more likely than those who spent less to initiate intercourse."
The results showed that the more teens listened to degrading sexual music content, the more likely they were to subsequently initiate intercourse. By contrast, exposure to non-degrading sexual music did not lead to changes in sexual behavior. "Reducing the amount of degrading sexual content in popular music or reducing young people's exposure to music with this type of content could help delay the onset of sexual behavior," concluded the article.
So what music do you listen to?
Sunday, August 20, 2006
My Prayer Today
Dear Jesus,
Peace be with you. It is with great joy that I come into your presence today, knowing that your love endures forever. Though mountains may tremble and valleys may run dry, your love endures forever.
What is your love, O Lord? Your love is your commitment to us. Committed to ensure that even if I walk thro' the valley of darkness, no evil need I fear. Your staff and your rod are there to protect me.
Glory to God in the highest and peace to his people on earth. You rule the world with love and your love endures forever. Your mercy reigns over your justice. We would never face your wrath as long as we repent and come back to you and dwell in your love. Yes, indeed the love of God endures forever.
You have chosen me, useless that I am, pulled me up from the pit of death and nourished me with your life. The 'zoe' of God. The life that has overcome death. Yes, victory is yours. The world is yours. Let all the inhabitants of the world praise your holy name … for your love endures forever.
Peace be with you. It is with great joy that I come into your presence today, knowing that your love endures forever. Though mountains may tremble and valleys may run dry, your love endures forever.
What is your love, O Lord? Your love is your commitment to us. Committed to ensure that even if I walk thro' the valley of darkness, no evil need I fear. Your staff and your rod are there to protect me.
Glory to God in the highest and peace to his people on earth. You rule the world with love and your love endures forever. Your mercy reigns over your justice. We would never face your wrath as long as we repent and come back to you and dwell in your love. Yes, indeed the love of God endures forever.
You have chosen me, useless that I am, pulled me up from the pit of death and nourished me with your life. The 'zoe' of God. The life that has overcome death. Yes, victory is yours. The world is yours. Let all the inhabitants of the world praise your holy name … for your love endures forever.
SACCRE Youth to set Youths Ablaze
As part of a growing awareness that something must be done for our youth, SACCRE Youth is organising the ABLAZE Youth Rally for young people aged 16 – 30 in Singapore. Teens as well as young adults in Singapore will have the chance to set their hearts ablaze for God on Saturday, 9 September 2006, at the Church of St. Ignatius from 7:30 pm – 10:00pm.
As a body of various youth ministries across the diocese, SACCRE Youth is a newly formed youth body under SACCRE (Singapore Archdiocesan Catholic Charismatic Renewal Experience) with a huge vision, of building and inspiring a growing desire among youths in our parishes to enter and experience a real and deeper relationship with God.
Young people today are being pulled away from the church by numerous factors. SACCRE Youth believes that we need revival and to be set ‘on fire’ by experiencing the love of God in a radical way, even more than what we’ve always known. Youths today need a catalyst for renewal and for turning back to the church.
ABLAZE is therefore aimed to be a nationwide youth rally where young people from all over Singapore gather and be inspired by other young Catholics on fire for God. It aspires to give every participant a new, exciting experience of God's love and presence. At this Spirit-filled event, young people, especially youths from the West district, will be challenged to live out their faith in new ways and to contribute their talents, instead of watching the church at the sidelines.
Though this September event is held in the west district, young people all over Singapore are invited. Expect a lively praise and worship scene, and a spiritually revitalising talk on the theme -- The deeper, higher and longer love of God.
The rally’s guest speaker is Freddy Gomez, who is experienced in engaging with youth in spiritual dialogue, helping them encounter Jesus in their lives by sharing his own journey towards Christ. At the end of the talk, all will be invited to request intercessory and healing prayer for any personal need.
The various youth ministries sharing the vision of SACCRE Youth include Amplify Ministries, Jesus Youth (Christ the King), Living Stones Campus Outreach, NTU CSA Charismatic Prayer Group, and Youth Arise Ministry (OLPS).
If you are interested to be part of ABLAZE you may get there via bus services 48, 93, 153, 165, 174, 186, 855 or 961 to Farrer Road and walk towards St. Ignatius Church along King’s Road.
More information on the rally can be obtained from the Ablaze Blog at, by email to or by contacting Marcellus 98781601.
-by Samantha Chan
More information:
As a body of various youth ministries across the diocese, SACCRE Youth is a newly formed youth body under SACCRE (Singapore Archdiocesan Catholic Charismatic Renewal Experience) with a huge vision, of building and inspiring a growing desire among youths in our parishes to enter and experience a real and deeper relationship with God.
Young people today are being pulled away from the church by numerous factors. SACCRE Youth believes that we need revival and to be set ‘on fire’ by experiencing the love of God in a radical way, even more than what we’ve always known. Youths today need a catalyst for renewal and for turning back to the church.
ABLAZE is therefore aimed to be a nationwide youth rally where young people from all over Singapore gather and be inspired by other young Catholics on fire for God. It aspires to give every participant a new, exciting experience of God's love and presence. At this Spirit-filled event, young people, especially youths from the West district, will be challenged to live out their faith in new ways and to contribute their talents, instead of watching the church at the sidelines.
Though this September event is held in the west district, young people all over Singapore are invited. Expect a lively praise and worship scene, and a spiritually revitalising talk on the theme -- The deeper, higher and longer love of God.
The rally’s guest speaker is Freddy Gomez, who is experienced in engaging with youth in spiritual dialogue, helping them encounter Jesus in their lives by sharing his own journey towards Christ. At the end of the talk, all will be invited to request intercessory and healing prayer for any personal need.
The various youth ministries sharing the vision of SACCRE Youth include Amplify Ministries, Jesus Youth (Christ the King), Living Stones Campus Outreach, NTU CSA Charismatic Prayer Group, and Youth Arise Ministry (OLPS).
If you are interested to be part of ABLAZE you may get there via bus services 48, 93, 153, 165, 174, 186, 855 or 961 to Farrer Road and walk towards St. Ignatius Church along King’s Road.
More information on the rally can be obtained from the Ablaze Blog at, by email to or by contacting Marcellus 98781601.
-by Samantha Chan
More information:
Thursday, August 17, 2006
The Situation in Singapore
Aug 17, 2006
Rise in sex infections hastens need to educate the young
Threefold increase in cases among those aged 10-19; over 40 have HIV
-The Straits Times
I'm so glad the unmarried youth & young adults committed themselves to sexual purity during the last instalment of the Blood Covenant series. Marriage is a blood covenant and true love waits.
Rise in sex infections hastens need to educate the young
Threefold increase in cases among those aged 10-19; over 40 have HIV
-The Straits Times
I'm so glad the unmarried youth & young adults committed themselves to sexual purity during the last instalment of the Blood Covenant series. Marriage is a blood covenant and true love waits.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Victorious Living
Have you ever wondered … wondered why many Christians do not live victorious lives. The go around all day gloomy, bored, uninterested & seemingly defeated. I mean… come on aren’t we supposed to be victorious in Christ? Living a life filled with purpose and meaning? Yet sadly, many Christians live a very miserable life. Was the price paid on the cross not enough? Mmmm … well, probably they just do not know the covenantal blessings that is available to them and the rights of a believer.
When we become Christians we are born again. We are born again as we take on a new nature, the nature of Christ. We are exchanging robes with Christ as we enter into covenant with Jesus.
During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He was operating under the old covenant and that was why he was circumcised when young. All the signs and wonders that Jesus performed, he performed it operating under the old covenant before he could establish the new covenant with his own blood.
That is probably the reason why Jesus said that we would do the things that he did and greater things then him. Can you imagine … you can do greater things than Jesus. Do you believe it?
To be continued.
When we become Christians we are born again. We are born again as we take on a new nature, the nature of Christ. We are exchanging robes with Christ as we enter into covenant with Jesus.
During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He was operating under the old covenant and that was why he was circumcised when young. All the signs and wonders that Jesus performed, he performed it operating under the old covenant before he could establish the new covenant with his own blood.
That is probably the reason why Jesus said that we would do the things that he did and greater things then him. Can you imagine … you can do greater things than Jesus. Do you believe it?
To be continued.
Beautiful Day
Today is another beautiful day. A creation of God. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases and there are new every morning. I bless the Lord this day dedicated to the Assumption of your mother.
It was a joy to start the day with Mass & reflecting on the life of Mary. She is indeed a humble and powerful instrument of God. The vessel that was to bring God into the world. In all of humanity, she was chosen. She must have been real special in the eyes of God to be chosen for this role. Hence, we should always look to her as our role model in Christ. Many saints have look at her as their role model in life and achieve exemplary results. So can we. As we dedicate our lives to Christ, it is indeed a life worth living.
It was a joy to start the day with Mass & reflecting on the life of Mary. She is indeed a humble and powerful instrument of God. The vessel that was to bring God into the world. In all of humanity, she was chosen. She must have been real special in the eyes of God to be chosen for this role. Hence, we should always look to her as our role model in Christ. Many saints have look at her as their role model in life and achieve exemplary results. So can we. As we dedicate our lives to Christ, it is indeed a life worth living.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Blood Covenant Part 4
Blood Covenants is truly an amazing revelation of God’s love that all believers should learn more about. You would discover the depth of God’s amazing unfailing love.
Last Friday nite, we focused on the Mosaic Covenant & the New Covenant. In the Mosaic Covenant, we zoomed in on the Passover Celebration, which was the bonding agent of the covenant. Since, the actual Passover, the celebration has been carried out for centuries even until today. Yes, Jews today still celebrate the Passover as a memorial of the great and mighty works the Lord had done to set the people free from slavery.
We looked at the salient points of the Passover and proceeded to see the New Covenant in the light of the old. It was an amazing eye opener to those who were there. They discovered in depth, how Jesus, the lamb who takes away the sins of the world, took our place at the cross.
When, Jesus sets us free, we are free indeed. The blessing and promises of God are there for us to claim as we are now his covenant partners and can come boldly into the presence of God. Rejoice! Rejoice in the Lord always.
Last Friday nite, we focused on the Mosaic Covenant & the New Covenant. In the Mosaic Covenant, we zoomed in on the Passover Celebration, which was the bonding agent of the covenant. Since, the actual Passover, the celebration has been carried out for centuries even until today. Yes, Jews today still celebrate the Passover as a memorial of the great and mighty works the Lord had done to set the people free from slavery.
We looked at the salient points of the Passover and proceeded to see the New Covenant in the light of the old. It was an amazing eye opener to those who were there. They discovered in depth, how Jesus, the lamb who takes away the sins of the world, took our place at the cross.
When, Jesus sets us free, we are free indeed. The blessing and promises of God are there for us to claim as we are now his covenant partners and can come boldly into the presence of God. Rejoice! Rejoice in the Lord always.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
What a Nite!
There is a new generation of youth / young adults arising. Those who know the value of time and know the best way to spend their Friday nites. It's exciting, it's refreshing & it's life changing.
People from all walks of life are coming together to dwell in the presence of God. Be it secondary / JC students, teachers, lawyers, civil servants, budding entrepreneurs, accountants, etc... they are all at the Catholic Spirituality Centre worshipping God & being nourished in his word at Amplify Ministries prayer meetings.
The nite started with an amazing praise and worship to the mighty Lord led my Dominic Chan.
He led God's people thro' the gates, into the inner courts and into the Holy of Holies. God's anointing filled the entire hall & his strong presence was felt by all.
The third installment of the Blood Covenant series started 'in the beginning' - Genesis.
We went thro' God's covenant with Adam, Noah & Abraham. Not only that, we also look at varies characters such as Cain, Abel, Seth, Methusaleh & Enoch. It was simply amazing as testified by many after the prayer meeting.
We also finally understood why we take on a new name at Confirmation. We were given an opportunity to reflect on our Christian walk so far & recommit ourselves to the Lord!
Friends, next week is going to be the last installment of the Blood Covenant Series. It is not to be missed! Prioritize this event and you would realise that you have made a very wise choice. See you this Friday. God Bless.
People from all walks of life are coming together to dwell in the presence of God. Be it secondary / JC students, teachers, lawyers, civil servants, budding entrepreneurs, accountants, etc... they are all at the Catholic Spirituality Centre worshipping God & being nourished in his word at Amplify Ministries prayer meetings.
The nite started with an amazing praise and worship to the mighty Lord led my Dominic Chan.

The third installment of the Blood Covenant series started 'in the beginning' - Genesis.



Thursday, August 03, 2006
Watch Out for Tomolo Nite!
Yes! Blood Covenant part 3 is going to be mind blowing! We going to expound on the scriptures. We going to look in detail into God's covenant with Adam, Noah & Abraham. Come & increase your knowledge about God's everlasting love. So be there on Friday nite @ 8pm @ Catholic Spirituality Centre. God Bless.
Interesting News
Shock rocker to build Christian centre
Thursday Aug 3 08:17 AEST
Shock-rock grandaddy Alice Cooper, best known for his macabre stage antics and songs about hell and booze, is helping build a Christian youth centre in Arizona, his foundation has announced.
Cooper's Solid Rock Foundation is to develop the centre for teenagers at Grand Canyon University, a non-denominational Christian centre of higher learning in Phoenix, according to a statement by the foundation, a Christian nonprofit group.
The 1858sqm project, nicknamed "The Rock," will offer after-school programs and special events for area youth.
The site "is designed to provide a safe and fun place for area teens to gather and participate in program activities that will make a difference in their lives," the statement read.
The foundation's "primary goal is to honor Christ by helping to meet the spiritual, economical, physical, and social needs of teenagers and children within our community," a statement from the foundation website read.
Cooper, 58, is one of the godfathers of American hard rock. His stage acts, often inspired by horror movies, included using outlandish makeup, liters of fake blood, and often a live boa constrictor.
Born Vincent Furnier, Cooper is married, a father, and also an avid golfer and a great admirer of Australian pop singer Kylie Minogue.
Thursday Aug 3 08:17 AEST
Shock-rock grandaddy Alice Cooper, best known for his macabre stage antics and songs about hell and booze, is helping build a Christian youth centre in Arizona, his foundation has announced.
Cooper's Solid Rock Foundation is to develop the centre for teenagers at Grand Canyon University, a non-denominational Christian centre of higher learning in Phoenix, according to a statement by the foundation, a Christian nonprofit group.
The 1858sqm project, nicknamed "The Rock," will offer after-school programs and special events for area youth.
The site "is designed to provide a safe and fun place for area teens to gather and participate in program activities that will make a difference in their lives," the statement read.
The foundation's "primary goal is to honor Christ by helping to meet the spiritual, economical, physical, and social needs of teenagers and children within our community," a statement from the foundation website read.
Cooper, 58, is one of the godfathers of American hard rock. His stage acts, often inspired by horror movies, included using outlandish makeup, liters of fake blood, and often a live boa constrictor.
Born Vincent Furnier, Cooper is married, a father, and also an avid golfer and a great admirer of Australian pop singer Kylie Minogue.
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